Welcome, interested readers, to the creative world of Keith Brazil, where magical realism meets literary fiction, spiritual ideas and philosophy in the exploration and expression of the multi-layered consciousness that makes up the human condition. Like a photograph, my writing tries to capture the emotional and psychological ‘light and dark’ states of the spiritual journey crafted into colourful novels and stories – portals into fantastical worlds as well as thumbprints of experiences and memories I’ve encountered journeying along ‘The Way’.

My books are also for those readers interested in engaging with the current world-wide conversation regarding the ‘Conscious Planet’ movement. As the world enters the turbulent storms and birth pangs of Gaia’s new ‘Springtime’ energy, we all need creative, healing, spiritual dialogue to support our unique journeys and transformations. Our mutual wellbeing is most important. Whether you’re a butterfly emerging from your chrysalis, a snake shedding your skin, or a lotus blossoming from dark waters, fresh horizons abound. So, dance your mind into alternative realities and discover gods and goddesses, cats and dragons, disco and astral time-travel through adventures in magical reading. Enjoy! Keith x

Kindle and paperbacks available on Amazon.

E-books available on iTunes, Smashwords, and Kobo.

Please see the book menu for further details.

My Books