‘The Land Of Bliss’ was always intended to be the first book launched, and is the main story for ‘The Anthology Of Joy’, a collection which comprises ‘The Land Of Bliss’, ‘An Alchemist’s wedding’, ‘In Consideration Of Cats’, and ‘The Chameleon’s Last Dance’ (intended to be read in that order). Each story was to reflect and capture a different aspect of joy: of happiness and love triumphing over experience (the blending of step-families), of personal joy (marriage), of domestic joy (cats), of a celebratory night out (dancing). ‘The Wilderness Diary’ and ‘Popcorn, Parasites, Precious and Pearls’ were to be read together as part of the ‘Yin-Yang Experiment’ – ‘Popcorn’ being the crazy/humorous antidote to the revolutionary dream-of-consciousness found in ‘The Wilderness Diary’. One is the journey of night to day, the other the journey of light to dark (an exploration of the taijitu where each aspect contains the seed of the other). I hope one day to collate the stories into their respective collections. Meanwhile, after 2 years of editing, proofing and designing, I am beginning to turn my attention to some new writing… But first some time to breathe. Thanks for all the lovely feedback and support, and I hope you are enjoying the wonderful portraits by Nick Sweet-Rogers. K x